Wednesday, February 29, 2012

New Invitations & Stationary

A new addition to my store at Zazzle are two items: Invitations and Stationary.

I decided to venture into creating invitations because I love being a part of celebration. Every moment worth inviting your loved ones and friends to is a moment to celebrate. Being able to design the invitations that will bring people together in celebration is pure joy to me. 

My invitations and stationary selection is currently a small one, but I am working to build up my inventory and bring larger unique options. Each and every invite as well as stationary, is fully customizable. You can add all of the information you need. Add your name, your initials as well as times, dates and any other necessary information. Or if you'd like, you can even remove the entire design from the invite or stationary product and create your own one-of-a-kind invite or stationary. 

Here are a few of my newest Invitations:
(more colors can be made available)

Here are a few of my newest Stationary products:


These product selections are still growing but if you find yourself browsing my shop and see a design that you would like on any other product, please contact me. 


Thanks for leaving me a comment! I really appreciate that you've taken the time to let me know you stopped by and read this article. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you will be back. =) Many blessings!